The project
The main goal of ‘DiMaND – Disaster Management Network in the Danube Region’ project is to strengthen the Disaster Management Network in the Danube Region, and improve the effectiveness of disaster preparedness and response at regional level by promoting the network of governmental and non-governmental disaster
management organizations.
Disaster risks and the effect of climate change on their scale and intensity is specific for the Danube Region. To adapt to the new challenges, DiMaND gathers the relevant stakeholders, while trying to reach and engage other target groups as well.
Thanks to the funding received from the EU, experts of the project are working on indentifying good practices in preparedness and response activities, and also in humanitarian coordination and Host Nation Support. The final goal is to create recommendations for further development and improvement.
During the project good practices will be identified in preparedness and response activities, also in humanitarian coordination and HNS, as well as the gaps in the existing systems to create recommendations for improvements.
The DiMaND portal serve as knowledge sharing platform for experts from various fields of disaster management, such as national civil protection authorities, local governance, firefighter associations, humanitarian actors and volunteer organizations.
The objectives of DiMaND are strongly connected to the Sendai Framework, as they are directly focusing on activities, which support most of its priorities:
- “Understanding disaster risk” by focusing on policies and practices and promoting common efforts in partnership with the technological community
- “Strengthening of disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk” by fostering collaboration across regional mechanisms and promoting mutual learning and exchange of good practices and information
- “Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response (…) by developing and strengthening coordinated regional approaches and operational mechanisms to prepare for and ensure rapid and effective disaster response in situations that exceed national coping capacities, also promoting the further development and dissemination of instruments.